Optional folder

You can set separate attendance for each employee

Step 1: Choose Employees → Choose “…” to Edit employee account

Step 2: Choose Time tracking 

Login on multiple devices: An employee can only use one phone to log in, but if you enable employees to log in to their Accounts on various devices, this feature can be turned on. This feature allows you or your employees to access the Account on various phones and share one Account.

Shift location tracking: Track the route of employees during their shifts. (This feature requires the employee's device to share GPS location. You cannot track their route if an employee does not want to share their location. Tanca only tracks location during the working hours of the shift).

No attendance check-in/out required: Employees do not need to check in/out on the software but their full salary will still be calculated monthly. (Applicable: In your organization, some positions may not require check-in/out, but you still want to record their salary based on their salary scale. You can use this feature).

Unrestricted attendance check-in: Allows this employee's device to check in/out using any Wi-Fi (without having to access the company's Wi-Fi ID), or can also use 3G to check-in or check-in at any location outside the company (without having to be inside the company).

Allow early clock-in and early clock-out: This employee can clock in before and leave before the allowed time but still ensure that the working hours meet the required timeframe. (Applicable: For example, an employee has an 8-hour work shift. The shift is from 8 am to 5 pm, but this employee can clock in at 7 am and work until 4 pm. If the working hours meet the requirement of 8 hours, the system will still calculate it as a full day of work).

Allow late clock-in and late clock-out: This employee can clock in after the allowed time and leave after the allowed time but still ensure that the working hours meet the required timeframe. (Applicable: For example, an employee has an 8-hour work shift. The shift is from 8 am to 5 pm, but this employee can clock in at 10 am and work until 7 pm. If the working hours meet the requirement of 8 hours, the system will still calculate it as a full day of work).

Automatic timekeeping: Employees do not need to clock in on the software. The system will automatically record their attendance when they arrive for their shift. (Application: This feature is suitable for positions where clocking in using a time clock or phone is impossible, but daily attendance still needs to be recorded. This allows you to track employee absences and exclude them from the monthly attendance calculation. For example, security guards in companies often do not need to check in/out).

Automatic shift assignment: Employees only need to clock in for their shift on the software, and the system will automatically assign them to their shift.

Image requirement when clocking in: When employees clock in, they will be restricted to the designated Wi-Fi or GPS location set in the Tanca system. Once they are in the correct Wi-Fi/GPS location, the software will require employees to provide a photo of themselves when clocking in.

Image requirement when clocking out: When employees clock out, they will be restricted to the designated Wi-Fi or GPS location set in the Tanca system. Once they are in the correct Wi-Fi/GPS location, the software will require employees to provide a photo of themselves when clocking out.

Clocking in on behalf of others: Allows user accounts with managerial rights to edit and clock in on behalf of other employees. (Application: For example, in cases where construction companies or restaurants have a Director or Manager who clocks in for all workers or employees. The Director will have a daily list of employees on their phone (based on their shifts). This list will be available when employees arrive for their shift, and the Director can check them off. In cases where there are many employees, the Director can choose to check all, then uncheck those who do not show up).

Clocking in on behalf of others with images: Allows user accounts with managerial rights to clock in on behalf of other employees using image capture.

OTP-free login: In case an employee logs into their Account but does not receive a verification code, the Manager can go to the Timekeeping section in that employee's profile, then continuously click on the text "LOGIN DEVICE" -> the hidden feature for OTP-free login will appear -> Edit -> turn on

the green lock to enable it -> then click the Update button below to complete.

Login devices: The system will list all login devices of the employee. If the employee cannot log in on multiple devices and wants to switch to a different login device, the Manager can go to this section, then click on Remove next to the old device -> and then click on the Update button.

Timekeeper: The employee's timekeeping code on the timekeeping machine. (Applicable: If your company uses a timekeeping machine, you need to enter the employee's code here. Note that the employee code consists only of numbers. For example, 4 corresponds to employee Nguyen Van A).


Question: Can I set up timekeeping for employees in bulk?

Answer: Yes, you can configure timekeeping for multiple employees at once by importing a file. Download the template file from the system, enter the required information into the template, save it, and then upload it back to the system.

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