Simplify Time Management for Your Enterprise

As your business grows, managing company time becomes more complex.

Let Tanca support you!

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For Employees

Less Hassle

Employees don't need to perform many operations when using the software. Every operation, filling in information or choosing, becomes simplest with Tanca. Tanca is truly user-friendly and easy to deploy.

Less Waiting

Employees no longer have to wait for paper approval. Everything is entirely online and can submit proposals, requests anywhere on any device.

No Missing Important Information

All information is sent to those who need to read it. All employees can receive news, announcements, work exchanges through the application.

Less Complaints

Clear work schedules, transparent timekeeping information, real-time attendance sheets. Employees no longer complain about their attendance information or salary calculation.

Với nhân viên

For Managers

Với nhân viên

More Leisure Time

With Tanca, all work is supported and highly automated. Managers will become freer to balance work and life.

More Accuracy

Tanca system accurately calculates time sheets, salaries for each employee. Thus, the data, statistics are reported clearly and specifically.

More Cost Reduction

Reducing printing costs, working time, hiring IT, servers or personnel.

More Profitable Investment

The more employees, the higher the Tanca's ROI. You spend 1 dollar on Tanca expenses, but you will surely profit 3-10 times when applying the service to employees.

Experience Superior Technology with Tanca

Suitable Products

Tanca is designed for over 30 different business sectors. Tanca is built for employee and management experience, so applying and deploying this software is very easy. Tanca's product customization is very high and easy to apply to business models.
Suitable Products

System Integration

Tanca is built to empower your enterprise's IT system. It can be integrated into HRM, CRM, POS, DMS, ERP, etc. So you can synchronize this data from Tanca.
System Integration

Security and Safety

We use the best methods to secure and keep your information safe. Learn more here.
Security and Safety

Support Quality

All your or your employees' operations on the system are stored and recorded in history. All support activities from Tanca support staff allow you to evaluate satisfaction levels.
Support Quality
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