Manage every task in the company

Tanca helps manage the work of each individual, department, interdepartmental, project...

Template for Task Management

Hundreds of task management templates in the enterprise for you to easily choose and fit into.

Display Diversity

Display diversity in List, Kanban, Timeline, or Gantt chart.

Optimize Work

Manage personal tasks and manage tasks in teams or projects.

Exchange Notifications

Receive exchange notifications when tasks are updated or comments are made.

Support for Consistency

Assign tasks, create project summaries, and add resources for everyone to be aligned with.

Task Management

Manage tasks at 3 levels from Task Group, Task, Subtask.

Flexibility and Diversity

Easily create multiple field types in a task for high flexibility.

Convenient and Flexible

Easily create recurring work schedules.

Digitalize Organizational Flowcharts

Easily build and digitize organizational flowcharts.


Integrate with form templates and documents in the workflow.

Automated Principles

Use automated tools to apply automated principles.

Completed and Uncompleted Tasks

With the Kanban, see an overview of completed and uncompleted tasks in a month.

Approval Status

Track the status of requested tasks such as approved, needs editing, or rejected.

Build and Share Reports

Team allows team members to build their own reporting system and share reports with others.

File Management

View and fully manage all files in the system related to transactions.