Other options

Tanca allows you to create approval statuses for a task, such as Approved, Needs Editing, or Denied. Tanca helps you manage all files on the system and tasks in a centralized and easy-to-use manner, with many other options.


Step 1: Choose Tasks

Step 2: Choose a project.

Step 3: Choose Details

Step 4: Chooose Copy link 

Attach file


Step 1: Choose Tasks

Step 2: Choose a project.

Step 3: Choose Details

Step 4: Choose Attach file

Creating Forms within Tasks


Step 1: Choose Tasks

Step 2: Select Forms in the Task section. 

Step 3: Choose a form 

Step 4: You can create new forms based on your company's form or select Create .

To create a form from an existing form, you can copy and paste the forms you already have in Word or Excel files onto the system. 

If you want to add or edit additional fields, the system provides you with fields such as inserting a paragraph, a line, adding a signature, email, attached file, etc. 

After you have finished adding additional fields, you can click Save Form and click Preview Form to review the customized form. 

Once you have completed creating the form, you can create a separate approval process for this type of form. For example, if you have a request form that requires approval from multiple levels of management.

Step 5: To create an approval process, select Edit Form.

Step 6: Click on Approval Flow and select Create

Step 7: Name your approval process and choose the corresponding branches, departments/employees that are allowed to use this process. 

Step 8: Next, you will configure the approver by selecting the approval box. 

Step 9: You can choose a corresponding approval method, enter the search name to select the approver and viewer (if any), then click Create

Step 10: You can also add multiple different approval levels by clicking the + sign to add a new level 2 approver, then fill in the similar information as level 1 and click Update. 

Note: If you no longer want to apply this approval process, you can delete it by selecting Delete process. 

Using location


Step 1: Choose Tasks

Step 2: Choose a project.

Step 3: Choose Details

Step 4: Choose location 

Note: When you enter an address, the system will display a list of suggested addresses for you to choose from.

Duplicate Task


Step 1: Choose Tasks

Step 2: Choose a project.

Step 3: Choose Details

Step 4: Choose … → Duplicate Task

Step 5: The system will display a prompt, and you need to click OK.

Note: The duplicated task will be marked as "New" at the end.

Mark Milestones


Step 1: Choose Tasks

Step 2: Choose a project.

Step 3: Choose Details

Step 4: Choose … → Mark work Milestone for the task. Milestones represent important time points in the project

Using Approval


Step 1: Choose Tasks

Step 2: Choose a project.

Step 3: Choose Details

Step 4: Choose →  Mark as Approval.

Step 5: You can choose one of the three options: acceptrequest changes, or reject

Note: If you choose one of these three options, the corresponding symbols will be displayed at the beginning of that task. In addition, Tanca currently allows all users to approve these change requests


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